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Elmshorn Mother And Son In Court Jointly 11 Million Euros In Damages

Elmshorn: Mother and son in court: Jointly 1.1 million euros in damages

False allegations and true suffering: mother and son sentenced

After false allegations, a mother and her son were sentenced by the district court. The son had falsely accused his stepfather of rape. The mother supported the false allegations. The court sentenced the mother to one year and eight months in prison, suspended for three years. Her son received a suspended sentence of one year and six months. The court also ordered the two to pay damages totaling 1.1 million euros to the wrongly accused stepfather.

In 2017, the son falsely accused his stepfather of raping him. The mother supported her son's allegations and reported the stepfather to the police. The stepfather was arrested and spent several weeks in pre-trial detention. However, the charges against him were eventually dropped due to lack of evidence.

The stepfather then filed a lawsuit against the mother and son for damages. The court found that the mother and son had acted intentionally and with malice. The court also found that the stepfather had suffered significant emotional distress as a result of the false allegations.

The court's decision is a reminder that false allegations can have serious consequences. Not only can they damage the reputation of the accused, but they can also lead to criminal charges and civil lawsuits.

Here are some of the key points to remember about this case:

  • False allegations can have serious consequences.
  • The courts take false allegations very seriously.
  • If you are falsely accused of a crime, you should contact an attorney immediately.

Here are some additional resources on false allegations:
