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Just In Case Pay And Benefits Considerations For Funding Lapses

Just in Case: Pay and Benefits Considerations for Funding Lapses


Federal funding lapses are becoming more common, leaving agencies scrambling to manage their operations and employees. During a lapse in funding, agencies may be forced to furlough employees, reduce their hours, or implement other cost-cutting measures. This can have a significant impact on employees' pay and benefits, as well as their ability to perform their jobs.

Pay Considerations

During a funding lapse, agencies may not be able to pay their employees. This can cause significant financial hardship for employees, who may have to rely on savings or borrow money to cover their expenses. Agencies are required to provide employees with as much notice as possible before a funding lapse occurs, but this may not always be possible.

If an agency is forced to furlough employees, they will be placed on unpaid leave until funding is restored. Employees who are furloughed are not eligible for pay or benefits, and they may lose their health insurance coverage. Agencies may also reduce employees' hours, which will result in a reduction in pay.

Benefits Considerations

In addition to pay, funding lapses can also impact employees' benefits. Employees who are furloughed or have their hours reduced may lose their health insurance coverage. This can be a major problem for employees who rely on their health insurance to cover medical expenses or prescription drugs.

Employees may also lose other benefits, such as retirement contributions, life insurance, and disability insurance. This can have a long-term impact on employees' financial security. Agencies are required to provide employees with information about the impact of a funding lapse on their benefits.

Planning for Funding Lapses

Employees can take steps to prepare for the possibility of a funding lapse. One important step is to create a budget and save money in case of an emergency. Employees should also consider purchasing health insurance coverage that will continue in the event of a funding lapse.

Employees should also stay informed about the latest news on the funding lapse and be prepared to take action if necessary. If a funding lapse occurs, employees should contact their agency's human resources department for more information about their pay and benefits.


Funding lapses can have a significant impact on employees' pay and benefits. Employees should be aware of the potential implications of a funding lapse and take steps to prepare for the possibility of one occurring. By planning ahead, employees can help to minimize the impact of a funding lapse on their finances and their ability to perform their jobs.
